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Final Fantasy Opus 21 Booster Box - Beyond Destiny

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Final Fantasy Opus 21 Booster Box -  Beyond Destiny

Beyond Destiny introduces characters from the 2022 Action RPG STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN, to bring even more excitement to the world of FFTCG. The highly sought Special Card – a very rare foil-stamped full art card – is back, featuring Jack Garland [21-124L] from the title. This card also features a foil-stamped autograph of Tetsuya Nomura.

They are also bringing back full-art Legacy Cards of past Legend cards. This set will include Palom [15-011L], Porom [15-119L], and Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl [14-102L]. The Special Cards and Legacy Cards are not just collectible, but they can be used in official tournaments, just like regular cards.

Additionally, when you purchase a sealed Booster display box, you will find that one (1) Full-Art Premium Foil card Princess Sarah [PR-148/21-048L], also a character from Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, is enclosed in the display box as the Buy-a-Box Promo card.

Card count: 124 normal cards and 164 premium foil (of these, 28 are Full-Art cards, 1 is a Special card, and 1 is a Crystal card). There are 3 Legacy Cards (Palom [15-011L], Porom [15-119L], and Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl [14-102L]), 1 Special Card (Jack Garland [21-124L]), and 1 Buy-a-Box Promo (Princess Sarah [PR-148/21-048L]).

New Art:

Rubi Asami, Original
Mihoko Ishii, Final Fantasy VIII / Final Fantasy Type-0
Yasuhisa Izumisawa, World of Final Fantasy
Toshiyuki Itahana, Dissidia Final Fantasy
Ryoma Ito, Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings
Gen Kobayashi, Final Fantasy II / Crystal Card
Yukihiro Kajimoto, Final Fantasy III
Toshitaka Matsuda, Final Fantasy III
Fumio Minagawa, Final Fantasy VI
Miki Yamashita, Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection
Roberto Ferrari, Final Fantasy Type-0
Kinsha creations co., ltd, Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy Opus 21 Booster Box - Beyond Destiny
Drawer Title

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