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One Piece Card Game Premium Booster Box PRB01 - The Best

Regular price £92.95
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One Piece Card Game Premium Booster Box PRB01 - The Best

Reprints of Many Popular Cards from Past Packs!
Features reprints of popular cards from OP01 to OP06 and event-exclusive promotional cards, such as Mihawk from OP01 and Doflamingo from OP04!
Includes new parallel illustrations created for this pack!
Plus, don't miss out on cards from previous packs with new elements!

Introducing DON!! Cards with Characted Design!
Includes special DON! cards designed exclusively for this Booster Pack! The designs depict popular characters, and there are even some rare parallel edition DON!! cards with luxury elements!

10 cards per booster
20 Boosters per display

111+30 card types
・Leader Card x1
・Common x23
・Uncommon x25
・Rare x21
・Super Rare x29
・Secret Rare x8
・Promtion Cards x4
・DON!! Card x30


One Piece Card Game Premium Booster Box PRB01 - The Best
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